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(美)露西·朗姆勒1, (荷兰)维姆·沃格特2, (丹麦)乌里克·库加斯3, 吴竑4, 杜明楠5
1.美国蒙大拿州米苏拉市公园和开放空间规划与开发部;2.OKRA 景观设计事务所;3.丹麦景观建筑工作室;4.美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学;5.深圳技术大学
【目的】世界各国城市都面临着众多可能因气候变化而加剧的水问题。【方法/过程】聚焦丹麦、英国、荷兰3个受气候变化(尤其是洪水)强烈影响的欧洲北部国家,重点分析4个不同空间尺度的绿色雨水基础设施(green stormwater infrastructure, GSI)项目。这些项目是应对未来城市自然灾害和宜居性挑战的韧性解决方案的典范。之所以选择这些项目,是因为它们具有独特的创新性:如将主要机动车交通走廊更新为宜居、可步行的街区,在区域尺度创建多功能GSI以提供社会福利,利用分层种植、密集种植和生态美学的力量来产生生态系统服务等。【结果/结论】除分析项目设计外,进一步讨论促成这些项目实施及提升的关键因素,以及建成后提升公众认同和环境社会效益的关键因素。这些因素包括:对宜居性的重视、将城市更新和气候适应相结合的设计方法、跨机构合作、多重资金来源的利用,以及以扎实的公众参与获得对城市气候适应举措的支持。
关键词:  风景园林  气候适应性  宜居性  洪水  可持续城市排水系统  丹麦  英国  荷兰
Green Stormwater Infrastructure Design for Climate Change: Lessons from Northern Europe
(USA) Lucy Rummler1, (NLD) Wim Voogt2, (DNK) Ulrik Kuggas3, WU Hong4, DU Mingnan5
1.Park and Open Space Planning and Development Department of the City of Missoula, Montana;2.OKRA Landscape Architects;3.Danish landscape architecture studio;4.The Pennsylvania State University;5.Shenzhen Technology University
[Objective] Cities worldwide face a wide range of water issues, many of which are exacerbated by climate change. [Methods/process] In this article, we highlight four green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) projects of various spatial scales in Denmark, England, and the Netherlands, three northern European countries with high vulnerability to climate change impacts (especially flooding). These projects represent robust solutions for addressing future challenges of natural hazards and urban livability. They were selected based on their unique innovations, such as regenerating major transportation corridors into livable, walkable environments, creating multi-functional GSI as social amenities at a district scale, and employing the power of layered, dense planting and ecological aesthetics to generate ecosystem services. [Results/conclusion] Besides project design, we also discuss critical factors that enabled the implementation of these projects and contributed to postconstruction public approval and provisioning of environmental and social benefits. These include a focus on livability, an integrated approach to regeneration and adaptation during the design process, cross-institution partnerships, leveraging of multiple funding sources, and strong public engagement to garner support for climate adaptation efforts.
Key words:  landscape architecture  climate adaptation  livability  flooding  sustainable urban drainage systems  Denmark  United Kingdom  The Netherlands
(USA) Lucy Rummler,(NLD) Wim Voogt,(DNK) Ulrik Kuggas,WU Hong,DU Mingnan.Green Stormwater Infrastructure Design for Climate Change: Lessons from Northern Europe[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2023, 30(9):45-64.