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养老设施室外环境中 4 类重要空间的适老化设计——基于使用者的活动及需求
周燕珉1, 冯潇逸2
关键词:  养老设施  老年人活动特点  适老化环境设计  集体活动广场  楼前活动场地  代际交流活动场地  认知症花园
Elderly-Oriented Design of Four Types of Important Spaces in the Outdoor Environment of Elderly Care Facilities: Based on the Activities and Requirements of Users
ZHOU Yanmin1, FENG Xiaoyi2
1.Tsinghua University;2.YAHA School of Built Environment, Haikou University of Economics
[Objective] In recent years, population aging has become increasingly deepening in China and the number of elderly care facilities has increased significantly. However, the outdoor environment design of elderly care facilities typically ignores the real needs of users. There is a strong practical demand and urgency for in-depth research on the outdoor environment of elderly care facilities. [Methods/process] Based on the field research on domestic and foreign elderly care facilities, and the interviews with the elderly living in elderly care facilities and their visiting relatives and friends as well as the operating personnel of such facilities, this research understands the facility usage requirements of these elderly people and their evaluation of the existing outdoor space environment. In addition, the research lists and summarizes the activity characteristics and needs of users (mainly the elderly and caregivers) of four types of important spaces (collective activity square; activity site in front of building; intergenerational activity site; garden for elderly people with dementia) and, on this basis, analyzes the common problems in space design. [Results/conclusion] Combined with examples, the research, from the perspective of design optimization and operation practice, studies and discusses some problems existing in the construction of elderly-oriented outdoor environment for elderly care facilities in China and, in view of the four types of important spaces mentioned above, proposes some feasible suggestions for elderly-oriented design, in hope of providing guidance for elderly-oriented design of future elderly care facility projects, and providing reference for the formulation of relevant industry standards.
Key words:  elderly care facility  activity characteristic of the elderly  elderlyoriented environmental design  collective activity square  activity site in front of building  intergenerational activity site  garden for elderly people with dementia
引用本文:周燕珉,冯潇逸.养老设施室外环境中 4 类重要空间的适老化设计——基于使用者的活动及需求[J].风景园林,2023,30(9):65-71.
ZHOU Yanmin,FENG Xiaoyi.Elderly-Oriented Design of Four Types of Important Spaces in the Outdoor Environment of Elderly Care Facilities: Based on the Activities and Requirements of Users[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2023, 30(9):65-71.