
串联城乡的“翡翠项链”——云南保山昌宁县城镇核心区右甸河流域公园系统 “Emerald Necklace” Linking Urban and Rural Areas: Youdian River Park System in Central Downtown of Changning County, Baoshan City, Yunnan Province 2022-08-14 1793
小尺度社区景观更新——广州市白云区望南村公园改造 Small-Scale Community Landscape Renewal: Reconstruction of Wangnan Park in Baiyun District, Guangzhou City 2022-07-15 1499
碳中和主题公园——北京温榆河公园·未来智谷(一期)设计探索与实践 Theme Park of Carbon Neutrality: Design Exploration and Practice of Beijing Wenyuhe Park-Future iValley (Phase I) 2022-06-16 1659
景迈山古茶林文化景观保护修复设计 Preservation and Restoration Design of Old Tea Forests Cultural Landscape of Jingmai Mountain 2022-06-16 1138
高荡布依山村保护更新 Preservation and Rehabilitation of Gaodang Buyi Mountain Village 2022-04-25 1361
去设施化的地景式儿童游乐空间:广州中海观澜府海宝乐园设计实践 Landscape-Style Children’s Play Space with Light Facilities: Design of Guanlan Mansion Hibo Park in Guangzhou 2022-03-23 1001
繁忙城市中的静谧自然绿洲——萨尔津亚尔水公园 A Tranquil Oasis of Nature in the Midst of a Busy City: Water Landscape Park Sarzhyn Yar 2022-03-23 861
合院中的绿林——利星行中心(北京)景观设计 A Green Wood in the Courtyard: Landscape Design of Lei Shing Hong Centre, Beijing 2022-03-23 967
恐龙遗迹公园 Paleo Park 2022-03-23 731
烟台山乐群路社区复兴:与时间对话的城市更新试验 Revival of Yantai Mountain Lequn Road Community: An Urban Renewal Experiment in Dialogue with Time 2021-10-22 1282
高密度城市边缘生态区的活化利用——龙华区环城绿道 The Activation of Ecological Space in High-Density Urban Fringe Areas: Longhua Green Ring 2021-10-22 1134
厦门中山公园景观更新 The Renewal of Xiamen Zhongshan Park 2021-10-22 1272
伦敦象堡区城市更新:塞耶街和草地景观区公共空间体系 Urban Regeneration in Elephant & Castle, London: Sayer Street and the Meadow Public Realm Schemes 2021-10-22 969
没有墙的教室——校园更新中的非正式学习空间设计 Classroom Without Walls: Design of Informal Learning Space in Campus Renewal 2021-10-22 973
多维度保护建筑营造—周口店遗址保护建筑 Multi-dimensional Protection Building Construction: Zhoukoudian Site Protection Building 2021-10-22 851
辽宁抚顺月牙岛生态公园设计 2021-01-15 3647
2011西安世界园艺博览会深圳展园 2021-01-15 2018
张江艺术公园 Zhangjiang Art Park 2020-06-05 2932
食与绿的空中庭院:西武池袋总店屋顶 Food and Green Rooftop Yard: Seibu Ikebukuro Store Rooftop 2020-06-05 2684
围绕着自然的编织——罗浮山谷林攀爬乐园 Weaving the Nature: Climbing Park of Luofu Mountain 2020-06-05 2109
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