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关键词:  风景园林  乡村景观  空间过程  多尺度  景观演变  图式语言  乌镇
基金项目:国家重点研发计划课题(编号 2019YFD11004054);国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号 51978479)
Exploration of Multi-scale Spatial Process in the Characteristics and Evolution of Rural Landscape Pattern: A Case Study of Wuzhen
WANG Yuncai, SHEN Jiake
Tongji University
The urban construction impacts and erodes the rural landscape, making it lose its features and regional aesthetics gradually. The research on the characteristics and evolution of rural landscape patterns from the perspective of spatial process is the basis of its protection and regulation. This paper firstly proposes a multi-scale analysis framework of the evolution of rural landscape patterns. Secondly, it presents the characteristics of spatial patterns of different scales of rural town Wuzhen in the pattern language. Finally, it analyzes the multi-scale spatial process as reasons for the formation and changes of spatial patterns. The research has found that the natural ecological process is the dominant process on the whole scale reflecting the demand for human settlement security and flood prevention. The economic production process is the major impetus on the complex scale reflecting the mutual adaptation of traffic and industry. The cultural process is the main driving force on the single scale making the spatial pattern of rural landscape present local characteristics towards people’s intentions and needs. The conclusion is instructive to the development of multi-scale protection, restoration, maintenance and promotion strategies of rural landscape.
Key words:  landscape architecture  rural landscape  spatial process  multi-scale  landscape evolution  pattern language  Wuzhen
WANG Yuncai,SHEN Jiake.Exploration of Multi-scale Spatial Process in the Characteristics and Evolution of Rural Landscape Pattern: A Case Study of Wuzhen[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(4):62-68.