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王竹, 王珂, 陈潇玮, 郑媛
针对当前中国浙北乡村经济发达地区半城市化乡村的乡村景观营建同质化、偏重外观审美、忽略内生动力等问题,基于乡村“人地关系”的概念与“单元系统”理论,建立乡村“人地共生”景观单元的认知框架,提出以村域为景观生成与演变的单元。通过“单元系统—单元自成” 程序的调控,明确村域景观特征在人地互动作用下的空间生成与演变机制,并建构了乡村景观营建在村域尺度上的基本模式。首次从较小的村域尺度和人地互动的内生动力视角研究乡村景观的生成与演变机制。
关键词:  风景园林  乡村景观  “人地共生”景观单元  村域景观演变  认知框架  单元理论
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(编号 51708488);浙江省自然科学基金(编号LY19E080006)
“Human-Earth Symbiosis” Landscape Unit: Cognitive Framework of Rural Landscape
WANG Zhu, WANG Ke, CHEN Xiaowei, ZHENG Yuan
Zhejiang University
For semi-urbanized rural villages in the developed Northern Zhejiang, in view of the current homogenization of rural landscape construction, emphasis on aesthetic appearance, ignoring endogenous motivation, etc., based on the concept of rural “human-earth relationship” and the “unit system” theory, the cognitive framework of rural “human-earth symbiosis” landscape unit is built, which set the village as the basic unit. Through the regulation steps of the “unit system” and “unit self-conformity” program, the mechanism of spatial generation and evolution of the village under the interaction of human and earth is clarified. The basic strategy of rural landscape construction at the village scale is also proposed. The innovation of this article is that from the perspective of village scale and based on endogenous dynamics of human-land interaction this study is conducted.
Key words:  landscape architecture  rural landscape  “human-earth symbiosis” landscape unit  village landscape evolution  cognitive framework  unit theory
WANG Zhu,WANG Ke,CHEN Xiaowei,ZHENG Yuan.“Human-Earth Symbiosis” Landscape Unit: Cognitive Framework of Rural Landscape[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(4):69-73.