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(荷兰)简-威廉·维斯林克1, 孟宁2
未来城市基金会(Future City Foundation)和26个合作伙伴致力于研究如何设计智慧城市。该组织网络假定城市设计及其产物正在发生根本性的变化,就像其他行业一样;并试图了解智慧城市的运行机理、未来机遇及风险。研究结果如《智慧城市,我们要这样做—互联、灵活且有意义:打造真正的未来城市》一书所示,重点关注智慧城市设计的4个设计原则:追求一个可持续发展和民主的城市;在其中以智能网络的方式进行设计;设计具有灵活性;进行有意义的设计。
关键词:  智慧城市  城市设计  规划原则  设计原则  网络  灵活性  意义
Connected, Flexible and Meaningful: This is How You Design the Real Smart City
(NLD) Jan-Willem Wesselink1, MENG Ning2
1.A Smart City, This is How You Do It;2.CAUPD Beijing Planning & Design Consultants Co.
The Future City Foundation and 26 partners have investigated how we should design the smart city. The network assumes that urban design and the products that result from it are radically changing. Just like it happened with other industries. They want to understand how it happens, what are the opportunities and what are the risks. They present the results of the research in the book: A Smart City, This is How You Do It — Connected, Flexible and Meaningful: Make the Real Future City. It focuses on four design principles for smart urban design: we want a sustainable and democratic city; in it we design everything as a democratic smart network; we design flexibility; we design meaningfully.
Key words:  smart city  urban design  planning principles  design principles  network  flexibility  meaningfulness
(NLD) Jan-Willem Wesselink,MENG Ning.Connected, Flexible and Meaningful: This is How You Design the Real Smart City[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(5):41-51.