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郭晓彤, 韩锋
关键词:  文化景观  乡村景观  遗产价值保护  社区协同  可持续发展
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(编号 2016YFC0503308)
Rural Heritage Protection and Sustainable Development Collaboration from the Perspective of Cultural Landscape: Enlightenment from Piedmont Heritage Site, Italy
GUO Xiaotong, HAN Feng
Tongji University
At present, many rural plannings have insufficient or one-side content of rural landscape heritage cognition, lacking of effective value transformation guidance and collaborative development strategies. Cultural landscape research takes the relationship between human and land as the core, interprets rural landscape heritage value and the internal connection between heritage components and, based on this, formulates planning strategies to promote rural sustainable development. This research reviews the results of the protection and management of the Piedmont heritage site in Italy over the past ten years, and summarizes the rural landscape heritage dynamic protection and sustainable development strategies from the perspectives of cognitive concept, planning strategy and supervision mechanism, in order to provide a reference for our country.
Key words:  cultural landscape  rural landscape  heritage value protection  community collaboration  sustainable development
GUO Xiaotong,HAN Feng.Rural Heritage Protection and Sustainable Development Collaboration from the Perspective of Cultural Landscape: Enlightenment from Piedmont Heritage Site, Italy[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(2):116-120.