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董禹, 秦椿棚, 董慰, 曾尔力
关键词:  建成环境  公共卫生  新型冠状病毒肺炎  心理健康  健康社区  机器学习
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51878204)
Research on Nonlinear Psychological Effect of Community Environment in Public Health Emergencies
DONG Yu, QIN Chunpeng, DONG Wei, ZENG Erli
Harbin Institute of Technology
Public health emergencies pose a threat to the physical and psychological health of residents. The changes in the use and management of the community environment, and the adoption of prevention and control measures, such as the quarantine policy, would have some impacts on the psychology of the residents, but the degree and mechanism of the impacts are still unclear. This research obtains data through a nationwide network questionnaire survey during the COVID-19 epidemic, and compares the linear and nonlinear models. Under the control of residents’ daily activities, the influence of the community environment on the psychological pressure of residents and its nonlinear characteristics in various lockdown periods are studied. The results show that the influence of community environment on residents’ psychological pressure is different in various stages of the lockdown, and the nonlinear characteristics generally exist in these influences, thus the nonlinear model can more accurately fit the influence of community environmental factors. This research provides evidence and methodological reference for more in-depth nonlinear research, and a basis for community planning and management in the face of public health emergencies.
Key words:  built environment  public health  COVID-19  psychological health  healthy community  machine learning
DONG Yu,QIN Chunpeng,DONG Wei,ZENG Erli.Research on Nonlinear Psychological Effect of Community Environment in Public Health Emergencies[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(4):78-84.