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孙雅文, 谭少华, 申纪泽
关键词:  风景园林  绿化覆盖率  生态瞬时评估  归一化植被指数  情感恢复倾向性  内向情感  外向情感  恢复效果
基金项目:重庆市研究生科研创新项目(编号 CYB20034)
Research on Influence of Park Green Coverage Rate on Crowds Emotional Recovery
SUN Yawen, TAN Shaohua, SHEN Jize
Chongqing University
The green coverage rate in park space plays a major role in the emotional recovery of the crowds. However, detailed researches on the specific results and effects of emotional recovery are relatively scarce. In this research, six spaces in Shaping Park of Chongqing City are selected as samples, and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is used to distinguish the spatial green coverage rate. Combined with the ecological momentary assessment (EMA), they are applied to accurately measure the results of the emotional recovery of the crowds, and analyze the relationship between the two. The results show that: 1) The park space, mainly with hard pavement and relatively low green coverage rate (0.38≤NDVI≤0.45), has a major impact on the recovery of people’s outward emotions; The park space, with soft green space and relatively high green coverage rate (0.58≤NDVI≤0.72), mainly greening, plays a major role in the recovery of introverted emotions of the crowds. With the increase of the green coverage rate, the recovery effect of the extroverted or introverted emotion formed by the crowds is significantly improved. 2) The difference in park green coverage will induce the crowds to form two emotional recovery paths: extroverted or introverted. 3) In the hard paved space, enriching vegetation colors and community levels, and increasing the configuration of functional facilities are helpful in improving the recovery effect of the crowds’ extroverted emotions. In the soft green space, increasing the green coverage, vegetation richness and reducing the openness of the space are helpful in improving the recovery effect of the crowds’ introverted emotions. The research conclusions can provide a reference for the improvement of the park restorative environmental theory system and the actual project construction.
Key words:  landscape architecture  green coverage rate  EMA  NDVI  emotion recovery tendency  introverted emotion  extroverted emotion  recovery effect
SUN Yawen,TAN Shaohua,SHEN Jize.Research on Influence of Park Green Coverage Rate on Crowds Emotional Recovery[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(4):85-91.